
In order to participate in the Pi World Ranking List:
  1. All the following conditions must be fulfilled.
  2. Anyone who wishes to enter a previous performance may do so, provided he/she also follows the rules. The minimum number of digits is 20. IMPORTANT - Accuracy / number of digits: these are only the decimal places, NOT the leading 3.
  3. To register a performance, complete the form.
  4. At least two witnesses must sign the form to verify the performance.
  5. Each witness must be at least 18 years old. (This is not necessary for the memorizer him/herself.)
  6. The witnesses must be independent and not related to the performer.
  7. Each witness must give his full name and address and sign the form.
  8. As part of the confirmation process, please include a photo when submitting the form. The photo will only be published on request.
  9. If there is any doubt about the performance, you may be asked for additional information or the registration may not be recognized.
  10. Performances of 10,000 digits or more must be certified by an additional academic or scientific witness. Alternatively this may be an official such as a lawyer, notary, or minister, who must be present and certify the performance. If this is absolutely impossible, please contact us.
  11. While these rules were put together carefully, they might be modified if necessary to make the list more authentic.
  12. The personal information about the contestants is used to confirm the performance and will not be used otherwise. If you wish a link to your email address to be included on the list, please include it in the space provided on the form.
  13. Any legal action is absolutly excluded.
  14. After carefully reading the rules, you will be ready to register.
You can contact us in case of questions or problems.